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Check-in time between 1 PM and 6 PM

Check-out no later than noon.


If you have to cancel your monthly reservation, you can do so prior to 7 days of your planned arrival and you won't be charged.

​If you don't cancel in time, we will charge you for one full week, unless we can rent your site to somebody else.


We do NOT offer refunds for early departure.


We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please, be considerate of our delicate septic system,

toilet-paper only!


Our water pressure is high and we strongly recommend

use of a water pressure regulator.


Please recycle! - Owner and Host on site - Owner Operated


We reserve the right to refuse anybody on our premises without giving any reason


(Short term)


Your registration acknowledges your agreement to these policies:



Early arrivals and late departures must be approved by the office.

STOP & REGISTER at the office UPON ARRIVAL. Late arrivals register in the morning.

RESERVATIONS are encouraged  


CANCELLATIONS must be made ONE WEEK prior to arrival. If you haven’t cancelled at least one week prior to arrival, you will be charged on your credit card.

DAY VISITORS must check in at office for parking instructions and must leave the park by 10 PM. Overnight visitors pay $ 10.- / night.

RV and tent-sites must be kept in a neat and orderly fashion and are limited to one RV/tent, one vehicle and one boat. For every additional boat or car we charge $ 10.-/ night. An extra tent is $ 15.- / night, an extra RV $ 25/ night. Sites are limited to a maximum of two adults and two children unless there is a different agreement made with the office.

TENANTS will behave responsible and respectful towards landlord, campground hosts and neighbors. No violent behavior, no intoxication, no loud music, no yelling, no fighting, no drugs dealing, or other criminal behavior allowed at any time.

GUESTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for the behavior of their children and pets.

RESTROOMS and SHOWERS require a code for access. Do not give out your code to anyone. Report any service issues to management.

QUIET HOURS are from 10 PM to 8 AM. NO loud noise or music allowed at any time. No revving of motorcycles, or idling (diesel) engines. No ATV’s.

MUSIC: No loud music allowed. Anytime! With loud music we mean music that can be heard outside your R.V.-site boundaries. You will be asked to leave if you don’t obey this rule.

GENERATORS may not be run at any time in the park, except during power outage.

SPEED LIMIT IS 5 MPH. Please pay attention to your speed. You may be asked to leave the park if you can’t slow down.

PETS! We allow you to bring your pets but the owner/caretaker is responsible for picking up after them, keeping them on a leash at ALL times when out of the assigned RV-site, and keeping them QUIET! Barking is absolutely not allowed. Pets are not allowed in restrooms, showers, or laundry room. Guest-dogs must remain in their vehicle. Cats need to be kept inside the RV at all times during the night. Owners who do not obey our pet rules will be asked to leave the park.

ALCOHOL and RECREATIONAL DRUG CONSUMPTION must be limited to your RV-site and in moderation.  

SMOKING only allowed in your own RV-site.

CIGARETTE BUTTS need to be thrown where they belong. And that’s not on the ground. No smoking in laundry, showers, and restrooms.

TABLES MAY NOT BE MOVED without prior authorization from the office. Any moved table MUST be put back before leaving camp.

CAMPFIRES allowed in fire rings only. You MAY NOT bring in any “junk wood” from the forest. Wood of your own must be split as for a stove or fireplace. During very dry times you may not have a fire at all. Please check with the office.

BBQ’s Please refrain from setting charcoal grills directly on lawns or park picnic tables. The heat will cause damage.

FIREWORKS AND FIREARMS may not be discharged in the park at any time.

LAUNDRY: Do not hang clothes or towels on trees, trailers, fences or walls. And no clotheslines. We have two laundromats on site.

TRASH: Keep your camp site litter free. We have lots of trash cans and a dumpster. Please wrap garbage. No fish guts and liquids in garbage. Please recycle glass and beer cans in designated recycle-bins.

FISH GUTS have to be disposed off in the river and not in the trash cans or dumpster.

VEHICLE REPAIR is not allowed on the premises except flat tires. No liquid adding, draining, changing or flushing on the premises.

CAR OR BOAT WASHING is not allowed on the premises. 

HEATING We prefer the use of propane to keep the rates as low as they are. Excessive use of electric heat will increase the rates.

SEPTIC To preserve our septic system, do NOT dispose of sanitary napkins and wipes in toilets, and limit your use of bleach. Don’t flush grease, paint, oil etc. or anything else that could clog up our sewer pipes. 

WATER HOOKUP requires water pressure regulator due to high water pressure in our park. Hydrant and water hose have to be winterized during the late fall and winter months. This will be your responsibility.


Failure to comply with our rules may result in you being asked to leave the park without a refund. We reserve the right to refuse anybody on our premises without giving any reason.


Dog Mountain RV-Park

11 and 42 Delina Lane

Home Valley / Stevenson, WA 98648        Tel. (509) 310-3653






Your monthly payment and registration acknowledge your agreement to these policies:



  • Long-term guests are required to maintain their own site!

  • No tarps, no garbage, no exterior storage, no porches, decks, lean-tos, or outbuildings.

  • Sites need to be kept clean and orderly! If not, you will be notified to vacate the premises.

  • Garbage needs to be disposed of in one of our dumpsters. Please recycle glass, clear plastic without a lid, milk jugs, and aluminum soda and beer cans (NO food cans, cardboard, and colored plastic).

  • Guest is required to own a leaf rake and a snow shovel. During heavy snow, residents are required to create their own access to their unit and shovel out their own vehicle.

RENT: Monthly rent includes electricity, water, sewer, and garbage.

Rental payments shall be paid in cash, debit or credit card or by personal check or money order made payable to Dog Mountain RV Park, and be given in person, dropped off in dropbox at office, or delivered or mailed to the next address: 50561 State Road 14, Stevenson, WA 98648.

LATE PAYMENTS: If the monthly rent payment is not received by owner of RV Park by midnight on the seventh day after the due date, a late charge in the amount of $ 100.– will be assessed and immediately due and owing. If rent is still not paid on the tenth day after the due date, you will be subject to eviction. The owner of RV Park will serve you a notice and you will leave quietly and without provocation or causing any trouble. Any dishonored check shall be treated as unpaid rent, be subject to the same late charge, and an additional $ 50.– handling fee.

It is expressly understood that this agreement is between the owner of RV Park and each guest jointly and severally. Each guest will be responsible for timely payment of rent and performance of all other provisions of this agreement.

GUEST’S OCCUPANCY: Guest agrees:

  • to use the premises in a manner that will not violate any federal, state or local laws or regulations.

  • not to injure the rental premises or use them in such a way that would disturb the peace of any person.

  • to use the rental premises for residential purposes only.

  • to keep their site in a clean, sanitary, and orderly condition

  • that there will not be additional people moving in and occupy the rental premises without consent of the landlord. With each additional adult that moves in, if agreed, the monthly rent will increase with $ 100.-.


- properly use and operate all electrical, propane, heating, plumbing facilities and fixtures

- properly dispose of all rubbish, garbage and waste in a clean and sanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals

- assume all costs of extermination and fumigation for infestation caused by guest, to not intentionally or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair or remove any part of the premises, their appurtenances, facilities or equipment, nor to permit any member of the family, invitee, licensee, or other person acting under his control to do so and not permit nuisance or common waste.

- Guest shall have no wrecked or non-operating vehicles on property unless agreed upon by landlord.

- Guest shall not work on cars, motorcycles, engines, or anything else motorized.

- Guest shall do no painting, decorating, or make any other alterations, changes or additions without prior consent of the landlord.

- Guest shall not transfer, assign, or sublease this tenant’s interest in the rental premises.

UPON MOVE OUT: At the end of the agreed term, guest agrees to return the premises to owner of RV Park in as good a condition as it was at the beginning of the term with reasonable wear and tear expected. Guest agrees to be responsible for owner of RV Park’s loss of rental income during any period which is reasonably required to perform necessary cleaning or repairs.

ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY: If personal property is left behind by guest after guest vacates the rental premises, owner of RV Park shall store such property for a period of 14 (fourteen) days. If guest does not claim such property within this period, then owner of RV Park shall dispose of or donate such personal property in whichever manner landlord chooses. 

INSURANCE: Owner of RV Park shall keep in force throughout the term of this agreement an insurance policy covering only the rental premises, and not the contents thereof, for loss due to fire and other casualty losses. Guest may at guest’s own expense, and owner of RV Park recommends guest should, maintain insurance to protect against loss of or damage to guest’s personal property located in or on the rental premises.

QUIET HOURS are from 10 PM to 8 AM. This means 100% quiet.

NOISE: NO loud noise allowed at any time. No yelling, no screaming, no fighting, no abuse of any kind, no barking dogs, no revving of motorcycles or cars, no idling (diesel) engines. No ATV’s. No loud music allowed. Anytime! With loud music we mean music that can be heard outside your R.V.-site boundaries. The same applies to playing an instrument and singing.

COMPLAINTS: Any complaint or concern from other guests in the RV Park, the host, groundskeeper, or other staff will be reason for an investigation and possible eviction.

GUESTS will behave responsible and respectful towards the owner, campground hosts, management, other staff, and neighbors. No violent behavior, no intoxication, no loud music, no yelling, no fighting, no drugs dealing, or other criminal behavior allowed at any time. Eviction will be immediate.

In case any type of law enforcement is called onto the premises for the tenant, any other occupant or one of their visitors, eviction will be immediate!

GUESTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for the behavior of their children and pets.


  • Sites are limited to the number of pets that were approved at move-in. Any additional pet needs to be approved by the owner or host.

  • Owner/caretaker is responsible for picking up after dogs, keeping them on a leash at ALL times when outside the RV, and keeping them QUIET! Barking is absolutely not allowed.

  • Dogs are not allowed to dig holes.

  • No unattended barking dogs at any time

  • Cats need to be kept inside RV overnight.

  • Pets are not allowed in restrooms, showers, or laundry room.

GENERATORS may not be run in the park, except during power outage.

SPEED LIMIT IS 5 MPH. Please pay attention to your speed. 

ALCOHOL and RECREATIONAL DRUGS COMSUMPTION must be limited to your RV-site and in moderation. Any abuse of substances is not allowed and reason for immediate eviction.

SMOKING is only allowed within your own RV-site and cigarette butts need to be thrown where they belong, and that’s not on the ground.

VEHICLE LIMIT: Per site you are allowed to have one RV, two cars and one boat. Each additional car is an extra $ 100.- rent per month.

PEOPLE LIMIT: Sites are limited to the amount of people that are signed in at move-in. Any additional person needs to be approved by the owner or host. Overnight visitors need to pay $10.-/ per person.

TABLES may not be moved without prior authorization from the management.

CAMPFIRES: Allowed in fire rings only. You may not bring in any “junk wood” from the forest. Wood of your own must be split as for a stove or fireplace. During dry times you may not have a fire at all. Please check with the office.

FIREWORKS AND FIREARMS may not be discharged in the park at any time.

RECYCLE: Please, recycle glass, aluminum cans, and clear plastic in trashcans next to dumpster. Please, take caps of your plastic bottles. (Water bottle users, remember the water that comes out of our faucets is spring water from our own Cascade Mountains. You could save yourself a lot of money by filling up your own water bottle.) 

FISH GUTS have to be disposed in the river and not in the trash cans or dumpster.

VEHICLE REPAIR is not allowed on the premises except small necessary repairs and flat tires. No liquid adding, draining, changing or flushing on the premises.

WATER: We are on public water coming from a spring in our own Cascades Mountains. Enjoy it. But please conserve and don’t waste it. Our Home Valley Water system is using more than it’s allotted, and we need to pay for each precious gallon.

CAR, RV OR BOAT WASHING is not allowed on the premises.

HEATING: We prefer the use of propane to keep the rates as low as they are. Space heaters use a lot of power and excessive use of electric heat will increase the rates. Ask about our propane delivery service.

WATER HOOKUP requires a pressure regulator due to high water pressure in our park. Hydrant and water hose must be winterized during the late fall and winter months. This will be your responsibility.

INTERNET: We have wi-fi service through Astound Broadband. The quality is not great, and any guest or tenant can set up their own personal internet and cable television service through them. Their phone number is 1-855-971-1252.

MAIL: Your mail can be sent to 11 or 42 Delina Lane, Site Number …, Stevenson, WA 98648. (You have to add your site number behind Delina Lane.)

PARKING: Cars, motorcycles, trailers, bicycles and any other vehicle shall be parked in an orderly way and not blocking driveways. This also applies to guests visiting the rental property.

SEPTIC TANK: Guest agrees to the following:

  • Guest shall not have a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink. This greatly increases the solids in the septic tank and makes them slower to decompose.

  • Guest shall not pour grease or cooking oils down the sink drain because they solidify and clog the soil absorption field and pipes.

  • Guest will not allow paints, motor oil, pesticides, fertilizers, or disinfectants to get into the septic system. They can pass directly through the system and contaminate groundwater or kill the microorganisms which decompose wastes.

  • Guest will not use caustic drain openers for a clogged drain. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake to free up clogs. Clean your toilet, sinks, shower and tubs with a mild detergent or baking soda rather than the stronger and potentially system damaging commercial bathroom cleansers.

  • Guest will not flush non-biodegradable materials such as plastics, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins and applicators as they rapidly fill up the tank and will clog up pipes and drains, and possibly the entire system.

  • Guest will not flush coffee grounds down the drain. These float and do not decompose readily and will therefore plug up the system.

RESTROOMS, SHOWERS, and LAUNDROMAT require a code for access. Do not give out your code to anyone.

  • Guest shall clean up and mop after each use. Use the shower curtain! No smoking! No pets!

  • Guest will not hang clothes or towels on trees, trailers, fences, walls, or clotheslines etc.

  • Guest will not use powdered laundry detergent, as it does not fully dissolve in the washing process. Use only liquid laundry detergents. Keep the use of bleach to a minimum. It will kill the microorganisms which decompose wastes and ruin our delicate septic system.

  • Guest will observe all posted laundromat rules and keep the laundromat clean. Pets and smoking are not allowed in laundromat.

  • Guest will clean the lint trap of the dryer before each cycle. This will dry your clothes faster, prevent overheating and a possible fire.

  • All this is a must and not a request. Leaving a constant mess and not following the rules is reason for eviction. Report any service issues to management.

GOVERNING LAWS: This agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws and legal decisions of the State of Washington.

EXECUTE DOCUMENTS: The parties agree to execute and deliver any instruments and writings necessary to carry out any term or condition of this agreement, whenever the occasion shall arise, and request for such instruments shall be made.

ATTORNEY’S FEES: If either party has to retain legal counsel to enforce any of the rights and obligations created under this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party the prevailing party’s reasonable attorney’s fees and costs regardless of whether litigation is actually instituted.

LIABILITY: Guest agrees that owner, host, management, or RV Park staff shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any injury or death to any person or for any loss, theft, or damage to any personal property at any time on or about the premises.

SALE OF PREMISES: In the event of the sale, voluntary or involuntary, transfer, or assignment of landlord’s interest in the rental premises during the term of this agreement, the landlord is released from any future liability upon any of the covenants or conditions, expressed or implied, contained in this agreement in favor of guest. In the event of a sale, guest shall, if requested, vacate the premises on the day requested by owner of RV Park, taking all his possessions, unless different arrangements have been made between guest and RV Park owner’s successor. In such event, guest agrees to look solely to the responsibility of owner’s successor in interest and recognizes such successor in interest as landlord under this agreement.

RENTAL INCREASE: The monthly rent shall be increased only by a written or verbal notice of sixty (60) days or more preceding the commencement of any month. In case of increase of rent, it is understood that all other provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect, changed only by such alterations in the amount of rent and not otherwise.

UPDATES: Our rules and regulations are constantly updated, and any changes will immediately apply and overrule any other previously distributed or handed out rules and regulations. Please, check with the office for the latest version.


If you’re asked to leave our RV-Park, you will do so immediately.


We reserve the right to refuse anybody on our premises without giving any reason.


Dog Mountain RV Park

11 and 42 Delina Lane

Stevenson, WA 98648

Phone: (509) 310-3653

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© 2021. Proudly created with

Call for information and reservations:

Dog Mountain RV Park: 1-509-310-3653
Wind Mountain RV Park: 1-509-607-3409
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